Thursday 6 September 2012

Empty Fridge, Empty Cupboards

Tuesday for me is Pay Day, which means by Tuesday morning the refrigerator is pretty much bare. Putting together lunches on Tuesday mornings, therefore, is a challenge. I'll be honest,I'm no Lunch Goddess or even a Lunch Saint, and on a lot of Tuesdays, my kids get loaf-end sandwiches and spotted bananas.

This past Tuesday, I had to really raid the fridge - and freezer - to find something, because I didn't even have bread in. Luckily, two weeks ago I bought frozen chicken dippers and never used them. Before my shower, I turned on the oven to preheat, then got myself ready - the reverse of my usual routine which involves lunch first, getting dressed second. After I was dressed and looking fabulous (cough), I popped the chicken in the oven and then stood scratching my chin while staring into an empty bento box. I turned to the empty fridge and scratched my chin some more.

This was all metaphorical scratching, of course. Real scratching would've necessitated more hand-washing, right?

I had eggs and some fruit, so I boiled some eggs in my nifty egg boiler machine. (Yes, I am so lazy I don't even like to boil eggs the good old fashioned way. I had to spent £8.99 in Lidl on an egg boiler machine, but let me tell you, it was the best £8.99 I've ever spent.) I emptied what was left of the punnet of blueberries and peeled an orange and stuck a cute little food pick for looks. I had a couple of Babybels left and exactly four Panda biscuits in the box. And let's not forget the KFC ketchup packets I collect every time I eat there... which is far too often. Finally some EasiYo strawberry yogurt in a tub and an orange juice made the lunch look not too sparce. I took the chicken out of the oven and let the pieces cool on a napkin until just about time to leave, then I put them in the box and packed it all up.

Feebz reported back to me that it was a very yummy lunch, though she didn't know where to squeeze out the ketchup so she squeezed it onto the lid. Hey, that's fine. Nothing like cleaning up leftover ketchup out of a lunch box!

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