Thursday, 13 September 2012

Keto Bento Challenge 3

I'm getting into my stride!


It's a double whammy this week in the Keto Bento Challenge. I planned to only attempt this once a week, on Fridays when Feebz requests money for the Friday school dinner of fish and chips, but I had some leftovers to work with and a few boiled eggs on hand...

Keto Bento Numero Tres:

Let's see if I can count the carbs on this one. (Maths lesson idea! Feebz, here's how you count in decimals! Counting carbs is less twisted than teaching her to add and subtract using beer caps, which, yes, we do.)

We have our:
-2 strips of streaky bacon (0g net carbs)
-4 little gems lettuce leaves (approx 1.4g)
-8 raspberries (approx 1.6g)
-taco seasoned (approx 1g) beef mince (0g)
-1 boiled egg (.5g)
-almost Carb-Free homemade vanilla pudding (No idea, but used Almond Milk, Splenda and sugar-free vanilla as substitutes for all the carby things so I'll be modest and say this teeny tiny cup is, oh...2g? Maybe even less. I did put one slice of banana in it to sweeten.)

TOTAL = 6.5g approx

Nuts! Still didn't get it under 5g! Perhaps if I could put a definite value on that pudding... Even still, I don't think I'd have made it under the goal.

Onwards! The challenge continues next week....

(Seriously, if I just added these things up while putting them together I'd probably meet the goal, but that requires adding decimal places at 7 in the morning and, dude, that's just not happening. And besides, where's the fun in that?)

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